Monday, June 1, 2015

Do you “Over Do”?
We often OD when we are not clear about how our body really works. It’s easy to unconsciously default to patterns of behavior that are not supportive in nourishing or nurturing our overall well-being. When stress and confusion take over and we relinquish our own drivers’ seat, it usually leads to a crash and burn scenario. Or, sometimes we feel ready for change and go for advise in the form of  “Do this” or “Don’t Do that”….  When this is our primary approach to course correct unwanted outcomes, it typically results in more of a short-term distraction versus a pivotal shifting point. For most of us, new behaviors yield different results, however these tend to be short lived when they stem from only the “do” level. True change comes from within and that change begins by perceiving ourselves in a new way.

Do you know just how ExtraOrdinary you really are?!

These aren’t just nice words… your body is truly perfect in design and extraordinary in its functions. It operates in response to the signals it receives. What you put in, you get back out. Meaning, inputting information (foods, thoughts, emotions) gives you corresponding physiologic results- vitality, dis-ease or something in between. 

Inherent in our make-up is the ability to self-repair, self-regulate and self-renew. These extraordinary capabilities are original in design but are all to often held in disbelief. We were lead to believe that we were less than and subject to whatever ills came our way. We accepted this belief. We then began to think we needed external expert advise on how to care for our body, our health and our overall well-being. But in actuality, everything we could want or need is already available to us. 

There is so much more to being YOU than you were taught to believe or have yet to see. The wholeness of you extends far beyond flesh and bone. You are Energy - You are Consciousness – You are Extraordinary

What’s in that byte?
A byte is a term used to refer to a packet of information. Energy is information. We are energy, we are information and we are Consciousness. As these conscious energetic bytes, we constantly exchange our information with all things in our environment. We communicate and interact with such things as other people, Wi-Fi signals and even the earth herself. We also have an internal energetic dialogue continuously taking place.  Our physiology naturally has an energetic pulse, rhythm and tone; all of which is dynamic and automatically seeks a state of balance or homeostasis. 

As conscious energetic beings wanting to create desired outcomes of our choosing, we need to more fully begin to understand and be able to discern this energetic information and vibrational means of communication. Are we transmitting information of fear and dis-ease?  Or, are we freely offering unconditional loving energy and balance?

No more of old ‘do-do’…  Just Do You
Aren’t you tired of all the old constant do-do that really got you nowhere?  Isn’t it about time to feel free and enjoy a really delicious life? Working harmoniously with your body intelligence, being in the current moment, retrieving clear inner guidance and following through with your inspirations… Now that’s great way to Do You! Being You and fully expressing you really are, is what it’s all about. 

So if you are feeling a bit off, out of sync or just not on track… you feel like no matter how much you DO, things just aren't coming together in the way you want?
Your desire is to feel good, healthy and to get your groove going - but how?
Maybe this is for you?…

Course intensive begins July 22 and is structured as follows:
- 1 Class Unit per week for 4 weeks
- Each week you will receive written course material.
- One live Q&A segment will be offered each week for relevant discussion and sharing.
- Investment: 140 USD 

Learn more at:

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