Friday, July 25, 2014

Beyond the Packaging

Beyond the Packaging
…A New Look at Food, Nutrition, Health and Wellness.

What attracts us to things such as foods, health trends or the latest fads? What is behind our decision making process? And, who is the one placing our order?

Initially, we may be attracted to something due to the allure of its packaging. Perhaps our eye got caught by the enticing image of a tasty looking snack item or by the tempting decorations of fancy baked goods. It could have been easy to succumb to the draw of something just because it seems great at first glance. But, what is beyond the packaging?

What’s behind the choices we make and actions we take?

Let’s utilize previous behavior patterns we may have held (Old Human) to reference where we are currently (New Human). From this perspective, we have a clean slate. We can make self-directed choices based on present circumstances. We decide our beliefs and what we hold as truthful and accurate for ourselves in each moment.

The New Human approach comes from a free and pure perspective- no past beliefs, dogma or judgments. Things are acknowledged for what they are in their most basic form. We understand all things as energy information and make real time choices based on what is transpiring in the present moment.  The New Human is guided by their ‘real time’ feelings and moves in the direction of their highest joy and what feels good.  Choices are made based on true desire versus the Old Human notions of need, requirement or what was deemed best by an outside source.

From our new vantage point, we recognize all things as energy. We are beings of energy and as such, we are at all times interfacing and interacting with everything- seen and unseen. This dynamic has always been occurring, but now- as the New Human- we are consciously aware. It is understand that all things happen by choice and we now take a directive posture while moving through each encounter.

The Old Human may have easy been confused by drawing information from looping thoughts of previously held notions and bias. The New Human is empowered with the inner knowing that comes from the guidance received by way of feelings. He or she is focused in each moment and is able to base decisions from the current scenario, free from external influence. So, from our New Human platform, the clarity of our true desires and the inspiration for our actions flow naturally.  

This New lighter version of US is free to 
relish in the delights of the day.

Enjoy placing your order!

For more information, please visit: and

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