Monday, July 29, 2013

Dinner Party Guests

Dinner Party Guests

Do you have dinner party guests like these?
At my house, they get to partake in many of our meals!

Strange looking friends, I know! 
This all came about as part of my ongoing efforts to balance my exchange with the planet while simultaneously becoming more Symbiotic with my local environment. My desire to act with reverence for all life and becoming more aware of my contributions to the whole, lead me discover these new slimy friends. So, I invited these new dinner guests into my home.  

Considering I have a home in the city, a large composting site is not that do-able. And, while there are many options and varieties for small-scale versions, for me, vermicomposting really resonated. Here is why…

My worm friends helped me “make real” something I already knew in concept. I understood that all things are interconnected; that there is an inherent patterning to all of life and nature always seeks to balance itself.   So when I stepped back to view my role in “natures cycle” I could felt it could improve. I knew I could do better at physically balancing my own little home eco-system and decided to take action in that direction.

This is the basic core functioning of our beautiful biosymbiotic system:

The worms have a nice low maintenance home inside my basement where I feed them my food scraps and some paper products. This gives them a great meal and reduces my trash to nearly just recyclables.

The worms eat my garbage thereby producing nutrient dense compost.

The compost is then used in the garden to grow more delicious food.

And back around the cycle we go!

This is just one small example of BioSymbiotic Living & Being. Which simply stated, is an organically balanced, mutually beneficial, dynamic relationship between all natural things. And, as Living humans Being on planet earth it is a choice to act with conscious awareness.

Please share some of your favorite examples….

Are you (and your dinner party friends) bringing Love to the table?

For more information, please visit:     -and-

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Another Use For Food...

Another use for food…

Our choices surrounding food can be an extraordinarily helpful tool in getting a glimpse of just how well our actions are matching what we believe to be true and the story we are telling ourselves.

So do we Walk the Talk?

If we understand that ALL things are connected and are in constant communication and exchange with each other, then we know every thought, action and deed is impactful.

As a simple exercise let’s look at what we contributed by our actions yesterday in regards to our food choices. Make a note of what you ate - the thoughts, feelings and intentions surrounding those choices. What does that look like and how does that feel?
Now, expand your perspective on those choices and get a sense of how they are connected in the bigger picture. For example, from the choices made yesterday, what connections were involved and how did the choice/action influence things in the greater sense? Was there love, appreciation, reverence and respect poured into the “food chain”? Was there deeper thought, consideration and understanding involved followed by consciously aware action? Were my thoughts and actions purposeful and reflective of my True beliefs?
These are just a few contemplations to reflect upon and expand from.  Make this exercise your own and Remember, use your feeling guidance to gleam insight.

This exercise is not intended as a time for judgment. It is simply an exercise to learn by expanding perception and awareness.

So, from a broader vantage point, are your choices and actions a good representation of You? 
If they are not congruent, you now have the opportunity to shift them as you please. 
If they are, great! 
Are there any other areas in your life that you want to apply this exercise?

This may seem like a long and drawn out process to go through each time we make a choice. But, just like riding a bike, with practice it  can become an automatic process. The interconnectedness, intercommunications and interdynamics become more easily evident when we direct our attention and focus in this way.

This is an example of becoming consciously aware... beginning to view ourselves as energy forms... not just bodies of flesh and bone. Then, choosing where we direct our focus, knowing that we are in constant communication and exchange with the world around us.
Becoming aware of each moment, thought, choice and action…. No matter how “small” it may seem. It is just one way to see our role and contributions to the whole. And, it is one way to start to become alert, awakened, aware and ready to take charge.

How's your table looking?

For more related information please visit: