Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Behind the Holiday Scenes

Behind the Holiday Scenes

In past holidays, have you ever noticed yourself making choices that are not always in accordance with what you prefer but yet you act on them anyway? As if somehow, just because it is a holiday, things are different or the parameters that guide your decision making process have been altered. 

For example, we choose to allow ourselves to not get enough sleep, eat foods we know make us feel not so good, drink excessive amounts of alcohol or immerse ourselves in social situations that bring us anything but Joy. Why would we ever choose painful scenarios for ourselves? Especially during a time of year that is held specifically as a period of peace, love, thankfulness, merriment and good will toward man. What stories are we possibly telling ourselves during this holiday time that maybe aren’t so accurate for us anymore? Are we playing out storylines that we prefer? Are the images we project on our virtual reality screen honestly matching the feelings experienced as we play them out?

These questions are answered by our feelings. 
So- are we making up an image in our head that we believe will make us feel a certain way- equating an image with a feeling? 
 Is the image and feeling truly a match? 
This is our opportunity to feel it out and see if our holiday story matches the feelings we want to experience.

Not only is this season a time for love, joy and merriment but, our entire life experience is meant to be that way- if we so choose. Love is our natural, organic state… it is (the feeling translation of) what we call home. It is a state of being versus a physical location and it’s felt inside our heart.

So what are the feelings behind our holiday scene?

As a fun exercise and way to build our skills of self-care as we traverse this holiday season, let’s be aware of what is behind the choices we are making. If we are clear, purposeful and directive with our actions (and know where it is coming from) it will help us not only be present in the moment but also open the opportunity for the True Enjoyment of our experiences. It may also help us recognize the areas where we are spot on with following our highest joy and acknowledge those things we continue to choose that do not bring us that same feeling. Once we identify such things, they are no longer a habit and it simply becomes a matter of choice whether to act upon them or not. Are the plans we made for this season self-loving, supportive of the feelings and experiences I desire? And, authentically fun?

When we proceed with those things that only bring us pure joy and hold that feeling and energy with us wherever we go… it is the greatest gift can we offer to others.

Here is a funny clip- we can use this as chance to practice identifying what is behind the choices we make.

Are you bringing Love to the table this Holiday Season?

For more information visit: www.drcanderson.com or www.thesustainablehuman101.org 

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