Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You're Eiating What?!

You're Eating What?!

How do we know the real ingredients in our food?
What all is really in the stuff we eat?

If we view food as a form of information, then how do we determine what information is contained within the foods we are ingesting?
What are the ingredients within those foods that do not come in a box or bottle and have no label to tell us what is inside the stuff we eat?

If the foods we choose come in a package then they usually have a list of ingredients written somewhere on it. But is that all it contains? Is there more in there then stated on that list?

If we are thinking about the answers to these questions, that means we are in our heads trying to process these thoughts through previously learned knowledge. This knowledge likely came from books, media, teachers, parents, friends, etc…. Essentially, this means we chose to “outsource” our information retrieval. Instead of looking outside our self in order to gather information, there is another way. It is a pure, organic, natural manner- free from tainted ideas or simply stuff that is possibly just not true for you, individually. Receiving and perceiving information through the Heart enables you to know for yourself what is truth for you. It allows for discernment of information and is the inborn, innate guidance system.

Our relationship with food, the dynamic exchanges and interactions we choose to experience are taking place on many different levels. The nutrient information relayed to our bodies (in the form of chemicals) from food consumption is only one level. What else is going on beyond the break down and absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc..?
There is an energy dynamic occurring in this process in the form of “fuel” for our physical body however, there is more transpiring in this equation. There is another level or layer to the energetic informational interchange involved in our communion with food beyond where we collectively are holding our current awareness. This other level is not seen by the naked eye but it is felt through the heart. This energetic component is electromagnetic in nature and allows the information to register in the heart and we feel the attraction / repulsion -or- resonance / non-resonance to certain foods.
It is as simple as this:

Feel the answer to such questions as:
“Is this food item best for me at this point in time?”

Bypass the Brain and Go to the Heart
Check in without any projections or preconceived notions, and feel…
Feels Good – great, then enjoy
Feels Not So Good – then, for right now, no thank you, I will pass

Ultimately, recognizing we require or need nothing outside ourselves to make the choice of what foods are best for us, our overall health and well-being. All guidance and answers come from within. Simply retraining ourselves to feel through our own guidance signals and then making the choice of what direction we are committing to action.

More on this next time…
Until then, Are you bringing Love to the table?

If you have comments, questions or even desire individual assistance on ways to implement these concepts and exercises into your daily life practice, please contact me at Carolyn@drcanderson.com

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